13 Feb

Hello, all. And Welcome to this Blog of Miss TaffeytheChamp.

{Beautiful Keanu Reeves Image from: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-K_CbOKjqLX4/TjQQ01CynsI/AAAAAAAAABg/xQLOEk48Ax4/s1600/keanu-reeves-13.jpg}

By now, I am certain that most of you are familiar with a multitude of films within Keanu Reeves’ impressive repertoire. Well, since it’s Valentine’s Day, I wanted to devise a Blog in honor of such a love-filled holiday; and to give my Muse, Keanu, a Valentine’s Day tribute. Thus, this week, I will be sharing a minimum of 3 romantic films of Keanu Reeves’ with you.

{Cute Keanu Reeves with co-stars in “Tune in Tomorrow…” cover Image from: https://www.swank.com/college-campus/details/5020-tune-in-tomorrow...}

The first of these romantic films I have selected is entitled as, “Tune in Tomorrow…”. Now, this is a film with which my Muse, Keanu, starred alongside Barbara Hershey and the late great, legendary actor, Peter Falk—who portrayed the relentless, yet lovable, sleuthing detective, “Columbo”, for decades. It became quite romantic; as Keanu’s “Martin Loader” character attempted wooing his aunt in-law, “Julia”, once she came home after having spent years away. This was Barbara Hershey’s character; who was older, far more experienced, and did not take his romantic advances seriously in the beginning.

{Adorable Keanu Reeves in appealing profile with co-star in “Tune in Tomorrow…” Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100822/mediaviewer/rm198128896}

 But, as time passed, “Julia” began to fall for Martin Loader, as well. The only hitch in their romance was Peter Falk’s character, “Pedro Carmichael”. For, “Pedro”, took intimately confidential information shared with him by “Martin” and broadcasted it via scripts over his daily radio program series; regardless of how betrayed “Martin” felt by such devious actions. But what was so scintillating, was how often Keanu Reeves, as “Martin Loader”, fairly crooned the words, ‘make love’ to Barbara Hershey’s “Julia” character. Please feel free to ‘tune in’ to this delightfully romantic film; for any of you who may not have seen it before.

{Intriguing Keanu Reeves and co-stars in “47 Ronin” cover Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1335975/mediaviewer/rm1767496960}

The next romantic film I shall mention is entitled as, “47 Ronin”. In this film, based upon a true story, my Muse, Keanu, portrays the mysterious “Kai” character of multicultural heritage; who is treated like an outcast in Japan during circa 1700. Yet, Lord Asano and his beautiful daughter, “Mika”, of Ako, Japan (which is currently entitled as Hyogo Prefecture), gave “Kai” shelter and kindness despite the prevalent rejection of such multiracial persons in Japan…even until this modern era of time. Not surprisingly, Kai” felt a deeply entrenched love for “Mika”, which she returned; and which made them star-crossed lovers. Of course, the star-crossed lovers’ adage has always been deemed as quite romantic for multitudinous years now. And Keanu Reeves, as “Kai”, along with his co-star, conveyed a rather convincing love story’ epic, which was poignantly tragic; as the film came to quite a bittersweet end.

{Keanu Reeves with co-star in “47 Ronin” Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1335975/mediaviewer/rm1544409088}

Moreover, the third romantic film I shall mention is entitled simply as, “The Lake House”. Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock teamed up again for this romantic film. It was rather interesting because within this film, Keanu as “Alex Wyler”, and Sandra Bullock, as “Kate Forster”, are apparently living two years apart—whilst residing in the same lake house (where they exchange love letters) and are owners of the same dog; just separated in time, by two years. You really must watch it with focused attention to comprehend how this love story plays out.

{Enchanting Keanu Reeves and co-star in “The Lake House” cover Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0410297/mediaviewer/rm1478069248}

Not to worry, there is a happy ending, after a tragedy occurs, which the “Kate” character must rush to prevent in future, to save the man she was too fearful to confess to loving. And this left me nonplussed, considering how dreamy my Muse, Keanu, looked throughout this film; particularly, when he was weeping. Please feel free to watch it; and for any of the others mentioned, for those of you who may not have done so.

{Dreamy Keanu Reeves in “The Lake House” Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0410297/mediaviewer/rm353995776}

Now, please feel free to watch any of these films, for any of you who may not have done so. And for any of you who may not know this, I, Miss TaffeytheChamp, am the Creator of this Blog, and of the identically entitled, Action Adventure/Futuristic Fantasy E-Book series, "The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga". Keanu Reeves is my special Muse and Inspiration for my creation of the innovative character, "Evian Magi". And "Evian Magi" happens to be the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Keanu Reeves. I have even recently released the second in my E-Book series; which is a prequel E-Book entitled as, "The Mystery Alliance: Prequel to Evian's Saga". Please feel free to purchase either of my E-Books, or both of them, via Amazon at:



{Adorably Cute Keanu Reeves Image from: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UW68Yk_qpoM/TdOyYZoNFII/AAAAAAAAAnE/x_hRZARDbsE/s320/keanu-reeves-henrys-crime-04052011-01-430x645.jpg}

Thank you monumentally, Keanu Reeves, for always being so kindhearted and generous to your l'il southern belle Musee; Miss TaffeytheChamp. And I thank God, most significantly, for everything that you have ever done for me. I also give thanks to the readers of my Blog. Take care and enjoy a Happy Valentine’s Day!


Beautiful Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-K_CbOKjqLX4/TjQQ01CynsI/AAAAAAAAABg/xQLOEk48Ax4/s1600/keanu-reeves-13.jpg

Cute Keanu Reeves with co-stars in “Tune in Tomorrow…” cover (1990). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.swank.com/college-campus/details/5020-tune-in-tomorrow...

Adorable Keanu Reeves in appealing profile with co-star in “Tune in Tomorrow…” (1990). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100822/mediaviewer/rm198128896

Intriguing Keanu Reeves and co-stars in “47 Ronin” cover (2013). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1335975/mediaviewer/rm1767496960

Keanu Reeves with co-star in “47 Ronin” (2013). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1335975/mediaviewer/rm1544409088

Enchanting Keanu Reeves and co-star in “The Lake House” cover (2006). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0410297/mediaviewer/rm1478069248

Dreamy Keanu Reeves in “The Lake House” (2006). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0410297/mediaviewer/rm353995776

Adorably Cute Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UW68Yk_qpoM/TdOyYZoNFII/AAAAAAAAAnE/x_hRZARDbsE/s320/keanu-reeves-henrys-crime-04052011-01-430x645.jpg

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