Hello again! Another warm Welcome to Miss TaffeytheChamp's new Blog.
{Scintillating Keanu Reeves Image from: https://goo.gl/images/V2j67e}
Now, I am certain that most of you are familiar with quite a number of films within Keanu Reeves' impressive repertoire. And for those of you who are not, I definitely am, for Keanu Reeves happens to be my most endearing Muse. This week, I shall be mentioning two upcoming films of my Muse, Keanu Reeves, that are due to be released in this year of 2019.
{Sweet Keanu Reeves Image from: http://media.womanista.com/2017/06/keanu-reeves-65790.jpg}
(Toy Story 4 cover Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1979376/mediaviewer/rm310539776}
Now, this may come as a pleasant surprise for my Muse, Keanu Reeves' fans...his taking part in voicing an animated character in one of the most blockbuster animated film enterprises of all time. It does not come as a surprise to me, however; as I have seen Keanu perform such archetypal work in the recent past. One such instance, was Keanu voicing the adorable kitten in the 2016 hit comedy, "Keanu". For, after all, this cherished kitten was his namesake. Another similar instance occurred earlier within the surrealistic 2006 animated film, "A Scanner Darkly".
{Naturally Attractive Keanu Reeves Image from: https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/actor-keanu-reeves-attends-the-the-prvate-lives-of-pippa-news-photo/95068469}
So, as you can see, Keanu Reeves has had previous experience with animated films. Yet, it appears quite a few individuals are surprised about his taking part in the newest "Toy Story" enterprise film. But, even so, the actual character that my Muse is supposed to be voicing is being kept a tight-lipped secret. This means that more than likely, we must wait patiently until the film's debut release in June of 2019...during the peak of summer, no less. And I must add that such a release date will be perfect timing; just in case it is due to become yet another smash blockbuster hit for the "Toy Story" enterprise.
{Keanu Reeves in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum initial cover Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6146586/mediaviewer/rm575761152}
Now, I believe the most anticipated upcoming film due for release in May 2019 is the trilogy film within the "John Wick" enterprise; which is entitled as, "John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum". And from the sneak peeks showcased since filming began last year, it looks to be the most action-packed "John Wick" enterprise film to date. I especially love, of which Keanu is fully aware, just how much he appears as a veritable 'knight in shining armor' in this upcoming film (for which I am keen on referring to him regarding how benevolent and kindhearted he has been towards his l'il Musee, Miss TaffeytheChamp). I mean, he has ridden a horse in "Much Ado About Nothing" in his younger years. But, he looks so very masculinely beautiful both sitting astride and riding the lovely lady horse, "Miss Vicky" in "John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum". Just have a look at the photographic image I have posted below to see what I mean (as if this is even necessary).
{Keanu Reeves in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6146586/mediaviewer/rm19940352}
Well, I don't know about any of you, but I am waiting patiently to see this much anticipated film, most of all. For, not only do the "John Wick" films possess bountiful entertainment value (especially, this one, in particular...from the phenomenal gun-fu martial arts' scenes to the horse, motorcycle, and car chases); but, they also contain the psychopathology of the fascinating "John Wick" character: the elusive, mysterious, and complicated hitman). And whom I, Miss TaffeytheChamp, consider to be a psychologist's dream client for in-depth analysis; as I possess an extensive background in Psychology. So, please feel free to watch these films when they are released this summer of 2019.
{Sexy and Debonair Keanu Reeves at a John Wick Chapter 2 premiere: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4a/06/1c/4a061ce7bff567125882125fb8272339.jpg}
And for any of you who have not yet been apprised, I, Miss TaffeytheChamp, am the Creator of this Blog, and of the identically entitled, Action Adventure/Futuristic Fantasy E-Book series, "The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga". Keanu Reeves is my special Muse and Inspiration for my creation of the innovative character, "Evian Magi". And "Evian Magi" happens to be the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Keanu Reeves. I have even recently released the second in my E-Book series; which is a prequel E-Book entitled as, "The Mystery Alliance: Prequel to Evian's Saga". Please feel free to purchase either of my E-Books, or both of them, via Amazon at:
Thank you stupendously, Keanu Reeves, for being so wonderful to your l'il southern belle Musee; Miss TaffeytheChamp. And I thank God, above all, for everything that you have ever done for me. I also give additional thanks to the readers of my Blog. Have a delightful week ahead.
{Enchantingly Cute Keanu Reeves Image from: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ce/59/9c/ce599c64a63d86804bf0b5d8fc76e513.jpg}
Scintillating Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://goo.gl/images/V2j67e
Sweet Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://media.womanista.com/2017/06/keanu-reeves-65790.jpg
Toy Story 4 cover (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1979376/mediaviewer/rm310539776
Naturally Attractive Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/actor-keanu-reeves-attends-the-the-prvate-lives-of-pippa-news-photo/95068469
Keanu Reeves in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum initial cover (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6146586/mediaviewer/rm575761152
Keanu Reeves in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6146586/mediaviewer/rm19940352
Sexy and Debonair Keanu Reeves at a John Wick Chapter 2 premiere (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4a/06/1c/4a061ce7bff567125882125fb8272339.jpg
Enchantingly Cute Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ce/59/9c/ce599c64a63d86804bf0b5d8fc76e513.jpg