Hello, All! And Welcome to Miss TaffeytheChamp’s Blog.
{Sexy Keanu Reeves Image from: https://iconicimages.net/app/uploads/2017/03/MK_IC028.jpg}
{The Private Lives of Pippa Lee cover Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1134629/mediaviewer/rm3714746624}
This week, I wanted to mention three outlandish characters which my endearing Muse, Keanu Reeves, has portrayed over the years. The first I shall mention is the “Chris Nadeau” character from the 2009 film, “The Private Lives of Pippa Lee”. Now, due to my extensive background in Psychology, I must say it was obvious that the “Pippa Lee” character’s interest in men was questionable. Her husband, certainly, but even more so, was the “Chris Nadeau” character. I, myself, laughed at the “Pippa Lee” character’s fawning attraction and stalkerlike, creepy behavior towards Keanu’s character, who recently moved into his parent’s house...her next door neighbors.
{Cutie Pie Keanu Reeves at the Toronto Film Festival from: http://www.zimbio.com/photos/Keanu+Reeves/Private+Lives+Pippa+Lee+Premiere+Toronto+International/wyd-egTHaR9}
The scene with her crawling through “Chris Nadeau’s” bedroom window; uninvited, and whilst he was asleep, was disturbing. This guy actually found this behavior appealing; which was anything but. Yet, I was not surprised; as the “Chris Nadeau” character exhibited disquieting psychological issues, including having a huge tattoo replica of Jesus Christ emblazoned all over his chest. He even professed to be unfaithful and put on Christian praying heirs (as though he was mimicking Jesus Christ) whilst fondling “Pippa Lee’s” genital area. And she behaved like a sexual predator; so, perhaps they deserved each other. I just know that I would have dropped the “Chris Nadeau” character off at the best psychiatric institution, and promptly taken my leave of him. I certainly would not have ridden off into the sunset with him, like this promiscuous female of questionable mental health did.
{Mesmerizing Keanu Reeves in Little Buddha cover Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107426/mediaviewer/rm1715079936}
Well, Keanu, certainly portrayed that character with aplomb because he is nothing like him. And for that, his l’il southern belle Musee is grateful. Now, the second character I shall mention is the “Siddartha” character from the 1993 film, “Little Buddha”; one of the late, great, Bernardo Bertolucci’s masterpieces. Yes, “Siddartha" is an outlandish character; as his story involves a tale regarding the origins of him as the Buddha. He is also quite unique concerning the exceptional male beauty showcased by my gorgeous Muse, Keanu Reeves. Although, I do tend to get concerned about Keanu when he becomes too thin; which has occurred more than once (including when Keanu portrayed the multicultural “Kai”, in the 2013 film, “47 Ronin”). Nevertheless, I certainly have always enjoyed appreciatively gazing upon Keanu’s attractiveness throughout the years.
{Entrancing Keanu Reeves in Little Buddha Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107426/mediaviewer/rm1515863040}
And the third character that I shall be mentioning is “Johnny Mnemonic” from the 1994 film sharing the identical name as its title. Keanu’s “Johnny Mnemonic” is a data courier who carries stored software data within the confines of his own brain. Yet, as usual, Keanu exhibited very attractive appeal; particularly, when he is in bed, watching certain television programming early on, within the film. What is noticeable here is that whether I like any of his characters or not, my Muse, Keanu Reeves, tends to come off looking quite scintillatingly attractive the majority of the time. Well, he’s always possessed much attractive and sensual charisma; a fact which does not surprise this lady at all.
{Keanu Reeves in Johnny Mnemonic cover Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113481/mediaviewer/rm2669084672}
"Johnny Mnemonic" is an entertaining futuristic film of its time. Even though, "The Matrix trilogy" film enterprise was the most phenomenal of Keanu's futuristic film repertoire. Well, how could anyone forget my Muse, Keanu Reeves, as "Neo"? For, "Neo" was a simply astonishing character. And I have never gotten tired of watching "The Matrix trilogy" films to this date; although the third installment was my least favorite. "Neo" was killed off in that one; which was rather disappointing for me.
{Adorable Keanu Reeves as Johnny Mnemonic Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113481/mediaviewer/rm4161314304}
Overall, these were three somewhat outlandish characters that Keanu has portrayed over the years. And please feel free to watch any of these films if any of you have not done so.
{Taffey Tawanna Champion with Book cover Image}
Now, for any of you who have not been apprised, I am Miss TaffeytheChamp, the Creator of this Blog, and of the identically entitled, Action Adventure/Futuristic Fantasy E-Book series, "The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga". Keanu Reeves is my special Muse and Inspiration for my creation of the innovative character, "Evian Magi". And "Evian Magi" represents the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Keanu Reeves. I have even recently released the second in my E-Book series; which is a prequel E-Book entitled as, "The Mystery Alliance: Prequel to Evian's Saga". Please feel free to purchase either of my E-Books, or both of them, via Amazon at:
{Debonair Keanu Reeves Image from Getty Images at: https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/keanu-reeves-during-2006-cannes-film-festival-a-scanner-darkly-at-picture-id115429636?s=612x612}
Thank you exceedingly, Keanu Reeves, for being so graciously kindhearted to your l'il southern belle Musee; Miss TaffeytheChamp. And I thank God, most prevalently, for all that you have ever done for me. I also give thanks to the readers of my Blog. Take care, and have an enjoyable week ahead.
Sexy Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://iconicimages.net/app/uploads/2017/03/MK_IC028.jpg
Te Private Lives of Pippa Lee cover (2009). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1134629/mediaviewer/rm3714746624
Cutie Pie Keanu Reeves at the Toronto Film Festival (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://www.zimbio.com/photos/Keanu+Reeves/Private+Lives+Pippa+Lee+Premiere+Toronto+International/wyd-egTHaR9
Mesmerizing Keanu Reeves in Little Buddha cover (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107426/mediaviewer/rm1715079936
Entrancing Keanu Reeves in Little Buddha (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107426/mediaviewer/rm1515863040
Keanu Reeves in Johnny Mnemonic cover (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113481/mediaviewer/rm2669084672
Adorable Keanu Reeves as Johnny Mnemonic (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113481/mediaviewer/rm4161314304
Debonair Keanu Reeves Image from Getty Images (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/keanu-reeves-during-2006-cannes-film-festival-a-scanner-darkly-at-picture-id115429636?s=612x612