06 Apr

Hello there! And Welcome to this Blog of Miss TaffeytheChamp!

{Beautiful Keanu Reeves Image from: https://goo.gl/images/k7x26y}

Are any of you familiar with any of the films within Keanu Reeves expansive film repertoire? I am certain by now that you are quite familiar with most of them, but my Muse, Keanu, has been in so many that perhaps not all of them have been seen by the majority of you. Not only is Keanu is an endearing gentleman with a variety of talents. And moreover, Keanu happens to be an accomplished and multi-faceted A-List actor with aforementioned talents in such career areas as director, producer, businessman, musician (i.e., scintillating bass guitar player extraordinaire), and now writer. He has recently released his first comic book series, entitled intriguingly as BRZRKR. And it shall be the focal topic of discussion for my Blog this week.

{BRZRKR cover Image from: https://images.app.goo.gl/FNrUutWBpj6RSJAu8}

Keanu created this incredible comic book series in collaboration with a best-selling New York Times co-writer, Matt Kindt, comic book colorist, Bill Crabtree, and celebrated artist, Ron Garney. The synopsis is written below:

Synopsis: “The story of BRZRKR tells the story of an unnamed man known as “Berzerker.” A half-God, half-man who looks eerily like Keanu Reeves, Berzerker has wandered the world for centuries mastering all forms of martial arts and participating in all wars known in the history books.” This synopsis may be found via this web link at: https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/brzrkr-netflix-release-date-trailer-plot-casting-more#:~:text=The%20story%20of%20BRZRKR%20tells,known%20in%20the%20history%20books.

{BRZRKR Image (via Issue 1 of the Keanu Reeves’ limited comic series, ‘BRZRKR.’ All images © BOOM! Entertainment, Inc.) from: https://collider.com/keanu-reeves-comic-book-brzrkr/}

There are a number of comic book art’ images available to witness as sneak peeks to this comic book series before purchasing it. And I have provided a few for you to feast your eyes upon and to whet your literary’ appetites. So, please feel free to gaze upon them in admiration of the artist, Ron Garney’s, unique and phenomenal creative talents.

{BRZRKR Image from: https://dailysuperheroes.com/movies/movie-news/brzrkr-comic-book-becoming-a-movie-and-anime-at-netflix-with-keanu-reeves-to-star/}

Of course, from all of this information I have supplied in my own Blog series’, you can clearly see and comprehend why I feel that my Muse, Keanu, deserves my unabashed and long-held admiration. Keanu Reeves has been a continual, positive influence upon my life ever since I first laid eyes upon film; and I have not ceased to convey to him these facts. Of course, my admiration of him is one of the very reasons why I created an Action Adventure/Futuristic Fantasy E-Book and featured Action Book main character to represent my dashing, yet, endearing Muse; Keanu Reeves. By the way, BRZRKR began its newest shipments on March 24, 2021. Hurry, if you are interested, in purchasing this comic book series.

{Taffey Tawanna Champion with Book cover Image from: https://medium.com/@ColdCoffeePressBookReviews/cold-coffee-press-endorses-the-mystery-alliance-evians-saga-by-taffey-tawanna-champion-a8921c430141#.doe65nyb7}

Now for those of you who are not aware, I am the Creator of this Blog and Author of the Action Adventure/Futuristic Fantasy E-Book series entitled, “The Mystery Alliance: Evian’s Saga” (with the second E-Book in this innovative series, entitled as, “The Mystery Alliance: Prequel to Evian’s Saga”. And Keanu Reeves is my Special Muse and Inspiration for my creation of “Evian Magi”, the protagonist (main character) within “The Mystery Alliance: Evian’s Saga”. And “Evian Magi”, is the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Keanu Reeves.

It even has 2 E-Book trailers which may be located at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNe-UNwx2gg, and at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm47ig1UikU.

I have also released its Prequel in this E-Book series entitled, “The Mystery Alliance: Prequel to Evian’s Saga”. The brief Blurb is written as follows:

“Before the captivating Evian Magi enters the picture and becomes a key member of The Mystery Alliance, Myth Vaga was a critical ally within their intriguing fold. He once lived among The Mystery Alliance in London, England. Yet, a serendipitous meeting and an ensuing romantic involvement with a bewitching beauty becomes the instrumental catalyst for his not surprising, but climactic betrayal.” Its E-Book trailer video link is located at this address: https://youtu.be/Y1Tdj1vTXgU. It was created via the brilliant mind of my literary sister, tremendous friend, and exceptional Author, Maria Catalina Egan, whom I cannot thank enough. Please feel free to watch it.

{Debonair Keanu Reeves alongside BRZRKR (via Keanu Reeves arrives for the 92nd Oscars | Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images; ‘BRZRKR’ Comic Book Art | Courtesy Netflix/Boom! Studios Multi-Image) from: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/keanu-reeves-teams-up-netflix-for-live-action-brzrkr-adaptations.html/}

Thank you so much, Keanu Reeves, for being an incredible Muse, and for being such an amiable and endearing gentleman towards me; Miss TaffeytheChamp. And I thank GOD, most significantly, for all of the blessings which You have ever bestowed upon me. Thanks, in advance, for reading to my readers; and now, possibly, to Keanu Reeves‘ readers, as well!


Beautiful Keanu Reeves [Online Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://goo.gl/images/k7x26y

BRZRKR cover [Online Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://images.app.goo.gl/FNrUutWBpj6RSJAu8

BRZRKR [Online Image]. (n.d.). (via Issue 1 of the Keanu Reeves’ limited comic series, ‘BRZRKR.’ All images © BOOM! Entertainment, Inc.) Retrieved from https://collider.com/keanu-reeves-comic-book-brzrkr/

BRZRKR [Online Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://dailysuperheroes.com/movies/movie-news/brzrkr-comic-book-becoming-a-movie-and-anime-at-netflix-with-keanu-reeves-to-star/

Taffey Tawanna Champion with Book cover [Online Image]. (2016). Retrieved from https://medium.com/@ColdCoffeePressBookReviews/cold-coffee-press-endorses-the-mystery-alliance-evians-saga-by-taffey-tawanna-champion-a8921c430141#.zbmdixy3e

Debonair Keanu Reeves alongside BRZRKR (via Keanu Reeves arrives for the 92nd Oscars | Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images; ‘BRZRKR’ Comic Book Art | Courtesy Netflix/Boom! Studios) [Online Multi-Image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/keanu-reeves-teams-up-netflix-for-live-action-brzrkr-adaptations.html/

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