The Mystery Alliance Evian's Saga Blog

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The Author:

Taffey Tawanna Champion


Taffey Tawanna Champion is a small-town girl, born and raised in Greensboro, GA, educated at GTCHS in Greensboro, GA and further educated at Elon College which eventually became Elon University. This is the university where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Taffey has also recently graduated with academic honors from Kaplan University with a M.S. in Educational Psychology. She excelled in writing as a young child; even earned merits and won awards for writing ability, including a “Passport to Excellence Award" plaque for Best Essay. Reading and writing also were Taffey’s first loves before drama and music, which of course, came after.

Before, during and after college, Taffey became a world traveler, even electing to live in London, England for one semester whilst studying at Elon University. She traveled several times to Paris, France at this time. Taffey also met and encountered celebrities in London, England which served to make her experiences even more special. Added to her world traveler status, she lived in South Korea for a short interval. This experience, including her fascination with various Kung-Fu techniques and martial arts films aided in her ability to create The Mystery Arts in THE MYSTERY ALLIANCE: EVIAN’S SAGA.

She also worked in Marina, CA as an Americorps VISTA for MCHOME (a division of Interim, Inc.) under the Coalition of Homeless Services Providers. During this time, she became acquainted with the various artists of Breakthrough H’ART (a program synonymous with MCHOME) and also with noted Austrian Artist/Painter, Hans Kindel. It was here, under the tutelage of Hans Kindel and Bill Donnelly that she discovered her talent for Abstract/Impressionist Art. This is where the cover (Paradise Underwater) of her E-book originated.

THE MYSTERY ALLIANCE: EVIAN’S SAGA was created initially as a copyrighted action/adventure screenplay, however, Taffey decided to adapt it into an E-book: the first in a series of E-Books actually. Keanu Reeves happens to be Taffey's Special Muse and Inspiration for the creation of “Evian Magi”, the protagonist (main character) within “THE MYSTERY ALLIANCE: EVIAN’S SAGA”. And “Evian Magi” is the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Keanu Reeves. And it is available for sale here at,, and will be distributed via Smashwords to many online retailers. This E-book is also made available for Libraries to obtain.

5 Star Review Awards

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The Mystery Alliance: Prequel to Evian's Saga: by Taffey Tawanna Champion "Before the captivating Evian Magi enters the picture and becomes a key member of The Mystery Alliance, Myth Vaga was a critical ally within their intriguing fold. He once lived amongst The Mystery Alliance in London, England. Yet, a serendipitous meeting and an ensuing romantic involvement with a bewitching beauty becomes the instrumental catalyst for his not surprising, but climactic betrayal." 5 Star Review: I enjoyed reading The Mystery Alliance: Evian’s Saga by Taffey Tawanna Champion first, so I found this prequel extremely interesting. The Mystery Alliance is an elite rescue unit. The individuals in this unit are called Mystics. Their secret alliance rescues hostages that are held in extreme terrorists’ situation where other rescue attempts have failed or were impossible. It all begins at a manor named “Dwellen” located in London, England. It is here where training in “Mystery Arts” begins and missions are born. Get to know the “Mystics” who make up this anti-terrorist group and follow up this short prequel with The Mystery Alliance: Evian’s Saga. I endorse The Mystery Alliance: Prequel to Evian’s Saga by Taffey Tawanna Champion. It will be interesting to see where the author goes with this series. Review by Theodocia McLean. Customer Reviews v0_rv Kindle