19 Aug

Hello, and a warm Welcome to Miss TaffeytheChamp’s new Blog!

{Attractive Keanu Reeves Image from: https://img1.telestar.fr/var/telestar/storage/images/keanu-reeves4/571733-5-fre-FR/Keanu-Reeves_width1024.jpg}

This week, I want to mention three psychologically disturbed characters which my endearing Muse, Keanu Reeves, has portrayed throughout his enduring career, in the mystifying realm of film entertainment. Now, this is topic definitely engages my interest; as I happen to possess an extensive background in the science of psychology. To begin with, I would like to mention Keanu Reeves’ villainous; yet, sexy character, “Donaka Mark” in the “Man of Tai Chi” film.

{Keanu Reeves in Man of Tai Chi cover Image: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2016940/mediaviewer/rm1394490368}

If any of you were not aware, this film was a pet project of Keanu’s, which was released in the year of 2013. This means that my Muse, Keanu Reeves, both directed and starred in this innovative martial arts action film. And I have always been rather proud of what a good job he has done with it. His acting was interesting because he did bring this nefariously contemptible character to life. “Donaka Mark” certainly did not possess any iota of guilt or remorse at all for causing the corruption of the quietly reserved character, “Tiger Chen Lin Hu”, who was an expert in Tai Chi martial arts. In fact, in my opinion, he exhibited unsettling psychopathic personality traits (just the traits; not the actual psychopathic personality disorder diagnosis, in its entirety).

{Keanu Reeves and Tiger Hu Chen in Man of Tai Chi Image from: https://www.sbs.com.au/movies/review/man-tai-chi-review}

The reason that I disregarded sociopathic traits is due to the fact that those who possess sociopathic traits are so impulsive and disorganized, that they are often caught committing crimes more easily than those who possess psychopathic traits. And the fact that “Donaka Mark” kept uttering the words, “You owe me a life”, and meant them, by acting upon them; further demonstrated his psychopathic tendencies. Nonetheless, I must say that Keanu still exhibited alluring sex appeal whilst portraying this villainous character.

{Keanu Reeves in The Watcher Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0204626/mediaviewer/rm909457408}

Next up is Keanu’s monstrously cold-blooded character, “David Allen Griffin”, in the crime/drama/mystery film, “The Watcher”. In actuality, it seemed more like a psychological thriller and horror film, all rolled into one. Now, this character possessed a pathological need to continuously murder young women; which makes him a serial killer. And I am quite convinced that “David Allen Griffin” suffered from an acute form of psychopathic personality disorder.

{Cutie Pie Keanu Reeves as David Allen Griffin in The Watcher Image from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/569775790330372339/}

He was a Ted Bundy’ archetypal serial killer; that’s for certain. And he was so cute that it was easy to see why a couple of the young female victims found him irresistibly attractive and charming…at first, anyway. However, his terrible hatred for women, in general, was so entrenched that I would rather run away from him than get involved with someone as sadistically cold-blooded as “David Allen Griffin”. He was so cunning, manipulative, and ruthless with the possession of expert forensic skills, years of study for murdering efficiently without errors, and the uncanny ability to exude superficial and charismatic charm to attract others (including his victims). Nevertheless, his eventual downfall (not surprisingly) was due to his becoming obsessed with the former FBI agent who worked the murder cases of “David Allen Griffin’s” prior victims. Of course, this FBI agent’s purpose was only to capture and imprison him; but, “David Allen Griffin” developed a type of brotherly’ attachment to him (which led to his untimely demise). And honestly, I believe that my Muse, Keanu Reeves, should have received more acclaim for bringing such a sinister character to life.

{Keanu Reeves (among others including the star of Iron Man) in a Scanner Darkly Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405296/mediaviewer/rm1183137280}

And finally, there is Keanu Reeves’ “Bob Arctor” character in “A Scanner Darkly”. Now, this was an animated character of Keanu’s who was an undercover police officer. Now, he only became psychologically disturbed through the use of a new type of addictive drug. A kind of synthetic, designer drug, is what I came to believe it was.

{Keanu Reeves in animation as “Bob Arctor” in A Scanner Darkly Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405296/mediaviewer/rm2913048832}

Throughout this rather distinctive animated film, the “Bob Arctor” character became more unbalanced and unhinged psychologically, whilst on this dangerous drug. He began having disturbing hallucinations, exhibiting schizophrenic-type behaviors (including hallucinations and paranoia), and even began demonstrating exhibitionist-type sexual behavior (i.e., a form of paraphilic disorder). Now, I actually believed he deserved his seemingly permanent and pitiable state of childlike mentality, after being assigned to a residential treatment program, at the end of this film. This childlike mentality was reminiscent of such psychological states as were reported during the 1960’s regarding those who suffered long-term Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD/Acid) effects from extensive use of this harmful, hallucinogenic drug.

{Keanu Reeves in animation as “Bob Arctor” in A Scanner Darkly Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405296/mediaviewer/rm3997580288}

 I believe that “Bob Arctor” deserved his awful fate because of how he callously abandoned his wife and two daughters; years before he took this odious drug, and was engaging in illicit, exhibitionist sex with at least one female drug addict, whilst undercover. Yes, I believe he was suffering the effects of negative karma because it was the female friend, which he trusted so much, that led him cruelly into using the dangerous drug; as though he was an experimental human guinea pig. Although she did attempt to act as if she felt guilty for having done such a terrible thing to him. Overall, it was an intriguing film, though. Yet, most of the films that my Muse, Keanu Reeves, was involved in with Mr. Erwin Stoff, of “3 Arts Entertainment”, were quite entertaining films; I do admit.

{Debonair Keanu Reeves Image from: https://img.izismile.com/img/img12/20190806/640/keanu_reeves_on_set_of_bill_ted_face_the_music_640_02.jpg}

Please feel free to watch any of these films, if you have yet to do so. Now, for any of you who have not been apprised, I am Miss TaffeytheChamp, the Creator of this Blog, and of the identically entitled, Action Adventure/Futuristic Fantasy E-Book series, "The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga". Keanu Reeves is my special Muse and Inspiration for my creation of the innovative character, "Evian Magi". And "Evian Magi" represents the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Keanu Reeves.

Image result for taffey tawanna champion

{Taffey Tawanna Champion with Book cover Image}

I have even recently released the second in my E-Book series; which is a prequel E-Book entitled as, "The Mystery Alliance: Prequel to Evian's Saga". Please feel free to purchase either of my E-Books, or both of them, via Amazon at:




{Taffey Tawanna Champion with Prequel E-Book Image}

{Sweetly Engaging Keanu Reeves Image from: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/228YxmZnC6M/hqdefault.jpg}

Thank you immensely, Keanu Reeves, for always being so kindhearted and gracious to your l'il southern belle Musee; Miss TaffeytheChamp, for so long. And I thank God, most of all, for all that you have ever done for me. I also give thanks to the readers of my Blog. Take care of yourselves!


Attractive Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://img1.telestar.fr/var/telestar/storage/images/keanu-reeves4/571733-5-fre-FR/Keanu-Reeves_width1024.jpg

Keanu Reeves in Man of Tai Chi cover (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2016940/mediaviewer/rm1394490368

Keanu Reeves and Tiger Hu Chen in Man of Tai Chi (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.sbs.com.au/movies/review/man-tai-chi-review

Keanu Reeves in The Watcher (2000). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0204626/mediaviewer/rm909457408

Cutie Pie Keanu Reeves as David Allen Griffin in The Watcher (2000). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/569775790330372339/

Keanu Reeves (among others including the star of Iron Man) in a Scanner Darkly cover (2006). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405296/mediaviewer/rm1183137280

Keanu Reeves in animation as “Bob Arctor” in A Scanner Darkly (2006). [Online Image]. Retrieved from  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405296/mediaviewer/rm2913048832

Keanu Reeves in animation as “Bob Arctor” in A Scanner Darkly (2006). [Online Image]. Retrieved from  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405296/mediaviewer/rm3997580288

Debonair Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://img.izismile.com/img/img12/20190806/640/keanu_reeves_on_set_of_bill_ted_face_the_music_640_02.jpg

Sweetly Engaging Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/228YxmZnC6M/hqdefault.jpg

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