Hi there! A warm Welcome to Miss TaffeytheChamp's new Blog. And a Happy Valentine's Day to one and all!
{Debonair Keanu Reeves Image from: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a8/11/48/a81148c4d32abba513db273ede9e2661.jpg}
I am certain that many of you are familiar with a number of films within Keanu Reeves' rather extensive repertoire. Yet, for those of you who are not, I am undeniably, for Keanu Reeves happens to be my most endearing Muse. This week, I shall be mentioning three unique characters of Keanu Reeves, who I feel are also romantic characters, as well.
{Mesmerizing Keanu Reeves as Neo in The Matrix trilogy Image from: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/dd/31/d2/dd31d2dd156204fcf9b6aa1c54455adb.jpg}
{Powerfully Sexy Keanu Reeves and fellow cast members in The Matrix cover Image from: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/183124001802-0-1/s-l1000.jpg}
One of these unique characters is the sensually appealing and gorgeous, “Neo”, in “The Matrix” trilogy films. Now, amidst all of the phenomenal martial arts and action scenes which were a significant part of these films, there was an incredible love story, also. The “Neo” and “Trinity” characters were so intensely in love that I wouldn’t be surprised at how many people saw such a love story as unbelievable.
{Keanu Reeves as Neo in The Matrix Image from: https://cdn.movieweb.com/img.news.tops/NEd1hmE3IeQgge_1_b/The-Matrix-4-Reboot-Plot-Keanu-Reeves.jpg}
Of course, I did not approve of Keanu’s scintillating “Neo” character (with his memorably sexy, Asian-styled fashionable attire) being killed off. But, eventually, I came to understand that “Neo” simply could not envision a life without “Trinity”; for, it was as though he had died inside when she predeceased him a very short time before his own death. Yes, this was indeed, quite a tragic and bittersweet love story.
{Keanu Reeves as the Adorably Cute, yet Breathtaking, Shane Falco in The Replacements Image from: http://alltop10.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/8b4cefc31735.png}
{Keanu Reeves with the awe-inspiring Gene Hackman in The Replacements Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0191397/mediaviewer/rm1011353344}
The next unique romantic character of Keanu Reeves which I have selected is “Shane Falco” in “The Replacements”. Now, perhaps some of you might say, “What? A has-been football hero. How could he be a romantic character?" Yet, I do view "Shane Falco" as a definite romantic character. Not only was “Shane Falco” cute, shy, and vulnerable. But, once he saw the girl of his dreams, he went for her in a big way. Though, he did have a few fumbles along the way (my romantic football-pun; bear with me).
{Keanu Reeves with Brooke Langton in The Replacements Image from: https://media.salon.com/2000/08/the_replacements.jpg}
His love interest, head cheerleader, “Annabelle Farrell”, was portrayed by the relatively unknown actress, Brooke Langton. Yes, I do understand that the captain of the football team and head cheerleader romance is such a droll cliche...although this romance occurred in the professional football arena. But, it worked, even though “Shane Falco” received the brush-off a couple of times before his lady love decided to give their eventual relationship a chance. It was so easy to see that she had been hurt by other quarterbacks in the recent past (the jerk “Martell” character; in particular) and was taking all her resentment out on him. Nonetheless, true love won in the end. Perhaps now, you may understand why I consider Keanu’s, “Shane Falco”, as a romantic character.
{Breathtaking Cutie Pie Keanu Reeves as Jack Traven Image from: http://www.theplace2.ru/archive/kianu_reevs/img/keanureevesmj176bz.jpg}
And the most beloved favorite (of mine), and epitome of the romantic hero, is the unforgettably sexy and breathtakingly cutie pie male, Keanu Reeves' character, “Jack Traven”, of the 1994 mega-blockbuster hit, “Speed”. Now, I have never had any fantasies of being rescued by any gentleman (even if I do refer to my endearing Muse, Keanu, as my knight in shining armor). Just see him on a horse, and you will get my drift. Yet, if I ever felt such an inclination, “Jack Traven” would have been precisely the gentleman that I would have selected for just such a purpose. I mean, Keanu’s “Jack Traven”, could be counted upon to rescue a fair lady each, and every time, she was somehow placed in harm’s way.
{Unbearably Beautiful Keanu Reeves as Jack Traven in Speed Image from: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111257/mediaviewer/rm1769381376}
I do honestly admit that I would have wanted this romantic character not to be so easy to catch by his female counterpart. But, although this may be considered a stereotypical query, what else can be expected of most gentlemen? A female that he has only known for a few hours offers a sexual, no-strings attached affair, and he agrees readily; and even gives her the power over him to do as she wishes. That is the only behavioral facet which I find unattractive in this epically romantic hero character.
{Keanu Reeves in a revamped Speed cover Image from: https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w1280/fYcLPfyzTKcjOcUGx44bBcgMKI5.jpg}
And before anyone gets offended, allow me to remind you that we happen to be living in an age where sexually-transmitted diseases are rampant (and some; quite deadly). So, do understand that I am coming from a truly realistic perspective. What do you expect from someone with an extensive background in Psychology? Overall, however, “Jack Traven” fits my bill as one of Keanu’s most unique and romantic characters in his more than 30-year long career as an actor.
{Keanu Reeves looking sexy in leather motorcycle-attire Image from: https://celebposter.com/KEANU-REEVES-poster_1426275.html}
There you have it. These are, in my opinion, three of the most unique and romantic characters which my Muse, Keanu Reeves has portrayed throughout the years. Now, for any of you who have not yet been apprised, I, Miss TaffeytheChamp, am the Creator of this Blog, and of the identically entitled, epic Action Adventure/Futuristic Fantasy E-Book series, "The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga". Keanu Reeves is my special Muse and Inspiration for my creation of the innovative character, "Evian Magi". And "Evian Magi" happens to be the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Keanu Reeves. I have even recently released the second in my E-Book series; which is a prequel E-Book entitled as, "The Mystery Alliance: Prequel to Evian's Saga". Please feel free to purchase either of my E-Books, or both of them, via Amazon at:
{Enchantingly Sweet Keanu Reeves with flowers Image from: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFaynD7UUAAFYv2.jpg}
Thank you tremendously, Keanu Reeves, for being so fabulous to your l'il southern belle Musee; Miss TaffeytheChamp. And I do thank God, above all, for everything that you have ever done for me. In addition, I give additional thanks to the readers of my Blog. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Debonair Keanu Reeves (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a8/11/48/a81148c4d32abba513db273ede9e2661.jpg
Mesmerizing Keanu Reeves as Neo in The Matrix trilogy (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/564x/dd/31/d2/dd31d2dd156204fcf9b6aa1c54455adb.jpg
Powerfully Sexy Keanu Reeves and fellow cast members in The Matrix cover (1999). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/183124001802-0-1/s-l1000.jpg
Keanu Reeves as Neo in The Matrix (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://cdn.movieweb.com/img.news.tops/NEd1hmE3IeQgge_1_b/The-Matrix-4-Reboot-Plot-Keanu-Reeves.jpg
Keanu Reeves as the Adorably Cute, yet Breathtaking, Shane Falco in The Replacements (2000). [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://alltop10.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/8b4cefc31735.png
Keanu Reeves with the awe-inspiring Gene Hackman in The Replacements cover (2000). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0191397/mediaviewer/rm1011353344
Keanu Reeves with Brooke Langton in The Replacements (2000). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://media.salon.com/2000/08/the_replacements.jpg
Breathtaking Cutie Pie Keanu Reeves as Jack Traven (1994). [Online Image]. Retrieved from http://www.theplace2.ru/archive/kianu_reevs/img/keanureevesmj176bz.jpg
Unbearably Beautiful Keanu Reeves as Jack Traven in Speed (1994). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111257/mediaviewer/rm1769381376
Keanu Reeves in a revamped Speed cover (1994). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w1280/fYcLPfyzTKcjOcUGx44bBcgMKI5.jpg
Keanu Reeves looking sexy in leather motorcycle-attire (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://celebposter.com/KEANU-REEVES-poster_1426275.html
Enchantingly Sweet Keanu Reeves with flowers (n.d.). [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFaynD7UUAAFYv2.jpg